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COVID - 19

We are looking forward to welcoming guests to Argyll House as soon as restrictions allow and we are able to.


We always strive to maintain extremely high standards of cleanliness at Argyll House. The health, safety and security of our guests is our highest priority. Please see below further detail on how we are providing a safe environment to welcome our guests.


Please note: all Covid-19 policies are based on current Scottish government guidelines and are being constantly reviewed based on the latest advice. With that in mind, some of the information you receive at the time of booking may be out of date by the time you arrive. Please check back on our website under the Covid-19 update page for the latest information for Argyll House.


We have acquired the Industry Standard mark meaning that we have followed government and industry COVID-19 guidelines, have a Risk Assessment in place and a process to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.


We have undertaken a risk assessment prior to making the decision to open to assess the risks and put mitigating actions in place to protect our guests, ourselves and the local community. These changes will be reviewed weekly until the Scottish government advises that the threat has passed.


A summary of the key changes we are making are below:


Social distancing 


We ask that all guests follow the government guidelines of social distancing and washing hands regularly throughout their stay. This is the responsibility of the guest.


We have installed a hand sanitiser at the bottom of the stairs leading to the 3 apartments for guest use, please use this on entering and exiting the building.  To ensure a contact free check in, your sanitised key will be in the door of your room when you arrive. 


Our check in time has been altered to 5pm on the day of arrival to allow for additional cleaning measures. In order to stagger the arrival of our guests and ensure not everyone arrives at once and social distancing is maintained, we ask that you would please confirm to us your preferred arrival time as soon as possible. 




Our accommodation is always cleaned to a very high standard, however we have made additional changes to our cleaning procedures at this time in view of COVID-19. We will be following the cleaning guidelines as advised by the Association of Scottish Self Caterers and the current Scottish government guidance. 


Our housekeeping team will wear gloves, masks and aprons whilst cleaning the apartments, and will change these between properties. They will take extra time and care to sanitise door handles, light switches, remote controls and any regularly touched items and areas. 


We will ensure all kitchen equipment has been washed appropriately between lets and returned to the cupboards to reduce any risk to our guests.


Our bedding and pillow protectors will be washed at 60 degrees and rotated weekly, but you are very welcome to bring your own if you would prefer. Please let us know in advance if this is your preference to save unnecessary handling of linen.


On your departure, we request that you would please take the following actions:

  • Remove bedding and put the linen in the dustbin bag provided in each apartment and leave in the apartment when you depart. This will enormously reduce the ‘handling’ of used bed linen for our staff, and so reduce any risk to them. 

  • Please place towels in a bin bag provided in each apartment and leave in the bath/shower when you depart. This will enormously reduce the ‘handling’ of laundry for our staff, and so reduce any risk to them.

  • Please do not leave for other guests any of your unwanted food or other items. Please take these home with you. 

  • Remove all waste and recycling, in bin bags, and place in the dustbins outside.

  • Open all windows on departure to allow air to circulate before cleaners arrive.




Local grocery shops are open and at the moment are observing social distancing and limiting the number of people in at any one time. If you are planning on eating out, not all cafés/restaurants/hotels are currently open. 


To help you plan your holiday safely, a list of local restaurants and coffee shops and the services they are providing can be found here. Don’t forget you are also very close to The Coffee Pot too! Full details of what we are providing will be left in apartments and we will do our best to help with food orders if required. 


We will keep our library of books and games on the landing, but we ask that if you use any of these or touch them, that you keep them in your apartment and leave them in the apartment when you leave, so that we can isolate them for 72 hours before returning to the shelves.


We have removed a number of soft furnishing items from the properties (cushions, throws) and additional kitchen items to reduce the risk of transmission and cleaning. If there are items that you need during your stay, please let us know and we can provide these wherever possible. 


We’ve also removed our usual Tea/Coffee/Sugar containers for the time being to reduce any risk of cross contamination between our guests. 


Unfortunately, at this time, we have decided to close our laundry and access to the washing machine to reduce risk between guests and our housekeeping team. We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused by this and hope you understand we have done this to protect everybody.



Prior to arrival

We recommend that everyone in your party should take their temperature before they leave home. If you are exhibiting symptoms or have any reason to believe you may have come into contact with the virus up to 14 days prior to their booking then you must follow the Government instruction to self-isolate and follow NHS guidelines.  Therefore, you should not travel or arrive on site and please contact us. 


During your stay

If a guest presents themselves with symptoms of Covid-19 or is asymptomatic but declares the need to self-isolate, they must advise us immediately and will be advised to check out and return home to self-isolate according to current government guidance. If the guest has acute symptoms, has breathing difficulties, or their life is at potential risk, they must seek medical help immediately.


On departure

On departure, guests displaying symptoms or feeling unwell should advise us so that appropriate measures can be undertaken and cleaners are aware prior to entering the property.


When you have returned home

As guests may not exhibit symptoms until after they return home, we will treat every clean as if the guests had potentially been infected. If you exhibit symptoms after arriving home, you should contact us to let us know so appropriate measures can be undertaken.



We suggest that you consider taking out your own holiday insurance. Please see our Terms and Conditions in relation to cancellations. In addition, we would like to advise you that should you become ill during your stay and unfit to travel home, and therefore require accommodation for a longer period of time, you will be liable for the full weekly costs of the additional stay.


If, due to unforeseen circumstances, a property becomes unavailable for a confirmed booking or, in the opinion of the owners, unsuitable for holiday letting we will refund all monies paid by you to that point.  


We, and our team would like to thank you for your co-operation in these difficult times, together we can all stay safe & well, and continue to enjoy this beautiful landscape, which is still here for everyone.

Argyll House, Salen, Aros, Isle of Mull, PA72 6JG

Licence Numbers 








01680 300555

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